
Release - Québec proclaims September 19 Memorial Day for crimes against humanity in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979

Montreal, Thursday, June 2, 2016 - On the recommendation of the Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion, Kathleen Weil, the National Assembly today adopted Bill 82 proclaimed September 19, Day Memorial crimes against humanity in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. "with this decision, the Quebec joins with the international community to denounce such crimes and to ensure that such violence, such disregard for human life and human rights should be strongly condemned, "said the minister.


Realism is one of the theory in international relation, which is has basic idea and assumption: Human nature is bad, International relations is more about conflict than cooperation and war is necessary in resolving conflicts, National security and state survival are first, and The three above will never change (Jackson and Sorensen, 2007). The realist thought humans are characterized as being preoccupied with their own well-being in their competitive relation with each other. According to Mearsheimer (2006) the structural realists which shown that human nature has a few role with what state want. It is the structure of the international system that forces states to pursue power. He added that: The structure realist theories don’t include culture of state, they think only power.


The term government accountability refers to the public official, of the government that have an obligation to explicate their decision and action to their people. The government accountability help to ensure the public official is answerable and reachable to the citizens. Government accountability is the most significant point for the citizen of each country, that they has the duty to response to any activities that happens inside the country to their people. Noting that, those people has choose to vote for the political party that they believe to have high responsibility in leading the society as well as the country. In this sense, the term government accountability is count to as part of democracy.

CAMBODIA AND THAILAND: Military and Police control

To date, Thailand is still under the control of National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the military institution led by General Prayut Chan-Ocha, since the overthrew of late interim elected government headed by YingluckShinawatra on May 22, 2011. NCPO is backed by the Thailand Royal family and has been taken full control over security forces. To date, NCPO has repealed the constitution (excluded that in relevance to Monarchy), limited civil liberties by suppression legalized through royal decrees, most of which banned on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press (Human right report, 2014).


   Both Cambodia and Thailand may have some changes in civic and political participation due to globalization, modernization, education and so on. These development indicators are the diving behind actively participation from individual struggling for democracy. The civic engagement must be applied to interaction between government, civil society and citizens.

Media and Political Communication in Thailand and Cambodia

Political communication refer to all forms of communication undertaken by politicians and other political actors for the purpose of achieving specific objective, which include communication address to those actors by non-politician such as voters and newspaper columnist as well as about their activities (Raymin. M, 2014). In Thailand, politicians have used political campaign communication strategies to gain their vote at all level, and mass media is a very popular tool in campaign. The communication tool throw media is very important to use between representative and voters. One more special political communication between representative and voters by using media tool are poster and leaflet (Anekjumnongporn.T, n.d).

APEC case study: A lesson to be learned

This section is the view on APEC as a specific case study after looking on how U.S., Japan, China, and other countries’ involvement in Asia Pacific region contribute to the challenges and opportunities in the regionalism process in the previous sections. In this connection, there would be ways to deal with this topic by looking at countries as a whole within an organization in Asia Pacific. So, APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is a good poster to illustrate what are the determinants contribution to regionalism in Asia Pacific. APEC was chose as a case study because so far it’s the only institution in the region, which has the region’s name “Asia-Pacific” in its title. Is it a challenge or opportunity or both challenge and opportunity? The degree of opportunity or challenge contributed to regionalism can be a strength or weakness of an organization. For instance, if APEC has more strength, it will provide more opportunities to regional building process, and in contrast for the weakness. By doing that, many measurements will be introduced and evaluated.

Sub-regional initiative, Opportunity or Challenges?

Regionalism in Asia-Pacific so far has been more of a network-based integration rather institution-based, which is the characteristic of the European Union. Since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, East Asian Countries have been looking for alternative for the less-relevant and weak APEC. This resulted in an increasing number of sub-regional initiatives within the Asia-Pacific region, especially within the East Asian and Southeast Asia states. Under the framework, of ASEAN Plus Three, ASEAN countries, China, Korea, Japan, have agreed on establishing a currency-swap arrangement, the Chiang Mai Initiative. On top of that, ASEAN also has FTA (Free Trade Agreement) with each of them. Other economic and financial projects such as Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and a recent Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), though there are still much work to be done in those projects, has added the complexity to the regionalism process. The “Noodle Bowl” are now added with more of the noodle. Some scholars argues that those sub-regional initiatives are very instrumental in community building of the Asia-Pacific, while some others views them as a challenge.


The United States has started to engage deeply in Asia-Pacific region for several decades since the World War II, and it was the most and significant power that played the role of buffer between China and Japan to stabilize the region In this region, the presence of the U.S. has been sustained by provide the support to those allies countries and even forward it base in Countries like Japan, South Korea, and Philippine (The Asia Foundation, 2008). Imagine if the U.S. withdraw its military base and its involvement from those Asia-Pacific countries, China will become a sole power in the region and Chinese military sure will claim over the dispute area even Taiwan as well, so the U.S. has an important role to keep the balance of power for stability in the region (Wasi, 2001). We could not ignore the role of the U.S. because the U.S. might be one of the most important actors that help shaping this region.

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